CPaaS for business: definitions, benefits, and implementations

Written by CEQUENS Team | Dec 13, 2021 10:17:41 AM

The global Communication-Platform-as-a-Service (CPaaS) market is expected to be valued at USD 17 billion next year. As astounding as the number is, it comes as no surprise. The evolution of CPaaS has remained steady since it first started taking form over 10 years ago. Yet, a great deal of existing businesses is still unaware of what CPaaS refers to and how it matters in 2022.

What does CPaaS stand for?

CPaaS is short for Communication-Platform-as-a-service. It refers to a cloud-based platform which enables real time communication features for users. In our case, the end user of CPaaS can be any business whose operations include direct interaction with customers. CPaaS covers a variety of sectors and industries such as aviation, e-commerce, logistics, banking, health, education, and more.

The features CPaaS offers businesses are potentially limitless. Rich communication aspects such as voice, messaging, and video are all part of the package, in addition to third party application enablement using APIs. Often, the process of onboarding a CPaaS and integrating it with your business operations requires minimal technical expertise and zero need for infrastructure, making it a perfect solution for businesses of all kinds.

The main feature making CPaaS a buzz generator amongst industries is its omnichannel capabilities. Omnichannel denotes a holistic approach towards business communication. In that sense, the communication process becomes more complete and highly effective. Omnichannel allows for an expansion in the number of communication channels and methods a business can use to interact with customers. Additionally, these channels can integrate with each other to provide a seamless transitioning experience between the different media customers use to reach a business.

How can your business benefit from CPaaS?

Business owners in 2022 know the importance of being digitally relevant. The simplest methods they can use to enhance their customer communications is provide a phone number of which customers can call or text for quick consultations. With CPaaS, the pool of solutions to choose from is variable on the business’s size and needs. Here is a small list of what you can do with CPaaS:

  • Integrate WhatsApp Business for sending quick updates and solutions.
  • Build a chatbot for your website to assist the customer journey.
  • Send 1-way or 2-way SMS for better promotion and higher engagement.
  • Automate responses on Facebook Messenger for faster responses.
  • Secure your data by safely storing it on the cloud.

Think of CPaaS as an enhancement to your availability. The more available you are to customers, they more they are likely to buy your products or use your services. Moreover, CPaaS works perfectly for after sales and support services as well. Here is how it can transform your customer care operations and make it more valuable:

  • Establish and maintain brand consistency.
  • Save your customers’ time and effort.
  • Be available round the clock for customer queries.
  • Experience new levels of brand loyalty.
  • Reduce operational costs of contact centers and IVRs.
  • Empower your communications through digital transformation.
  • Maintain updates customer databases across all functions.
  • Automate responses for more leads.
  • Enhance the privacy of your conversations.
  • Increase both creativity and productivity for your teams.

Assessing your need for CPaaS

Today, CPaaS transcends every business’s needs. If you are considering whether you should start using it, here is what you can do:

  • Identify your pain points.
  • Make a list of viable solutions according to your needs.
  • Assess which CPaaS services would be most beneficial to the nature of your business.
  • Consider your security concerns.
  • Consider external as well as internal communications.
  • Pick your preferred third party CPaaS provider.

With CPaaS still on the rise, some of its usages are still pending discovery. However, there is a great deal it can already do, and it is important for businesses to adapt to the latest communication technologies to always provide superior customer experiences. The biggest brands across industries such as retail, hospitality, banking, shipping, and more are already using CPaaS for finer communication methods. If you are looking to join the league, get in touch with our communication experts today.



CEQUENS can help

We're a Communication Platform as a Service (CPaaS) provider. Our mission is to bridge communication gaps in a communication-driven world.

Born in the digital era, CEQUENS was founded in response to the increasing challenges facing enterprise communication. We started as an SMS aggregator and gradually crafted a path toward omnichannel CPaaS solutions.

For 10 years, our innovation has empowered thousands of businesses create and deliver communication experiences finetuned to their industries. Our cloud-based, PCI/DSS compliant Communication Platform is the award-winning, end-to-end solution helping businesses realize their full potential and go digital.

As an Endeavor member and industry player, CEQUENS plays a pivotal role in transforming business communication worldwide.