Top 5 CPaaS trends to look out for in 2021

Written by CEQUENS Team | Dec 29, 2020 11:05:00 AM

2020 has been a tough year. However, the Communication-Platform-as a-Service (CPaaS) market remains booming and is expected to rise in value to $10.9 billion by 2022. This year, the industry has seen the growth of omnichannel marketing, the intersection of IoT and CPaaS, and the emergence of 5G — and all of it has had an impact here in the region. But what does 2021 hold?

Here are 5 CPaaS trends expected to affect organizations in the next 12 months.


1. More organizations will use CPaaS because of the pandemic

The pandemic hadn't started when we compiled our CPaaS predictions for 2020. A year on, and the way the world communicates has transformed. CPaaS has provided organizations of all kinds with the communication APIs they need to facilitate tasks, from arranging virtual patient visits to contactless retail pickup. The pandemic has driven CPaaS adoption more than any other factor this year.

Despite vaccine rollouts worldwide, don't expect the pandemic to slow down soon, reinforcing the need for CPaaS across all industries. Plus, it's very likely that organizations will continue to invest in CPaaS after the pandemic ends. There's greater awareness among businesses that CPaaS develops and manages applications without having to maintain complicated infrastructure. This technology has hit the mainstream, and there is no stopping it.

2. No-code/low-code CPaaS

Long gone are the days when organizations required a computer programming degree to receive any value from CPaaS. Throughout 2020, low-code/no-code platforms have made it simple for non-developers to execute organizational tasks, from solving customer complaints to enabling conversational commerce. That will continue into 2021 as CPaaS skyrockets. 

One example of this is CEQUENS's Two-Way SMS API, which allows businesses to streamline customer experiences through interactive messaging. CEQUENS takes care of all the coding and functionality, allowing business owners to concentrate on other tasks. Organizations don't need a development team at all. 

3. Vendor lock-ins

As CPaaS has grown in popularity in 2020, there's more competition than a year ago as organizations try to capitalize on this lucrative technology. So in 2021, expect more vendors to make it difficult for customers to use other services without high costs or legal constraints. That means longer contracts, penalties for breaking these contracts, and other actions that penalize customers. The vendor lock-in problem has harmed other technologies, and it's likely the same will happen to CPaaS. 

CEQUENS believes in fair, flexible pricing, with services that fit every business need. That means no unfair contracts or hidden fees. 

4. AI/machine learning

AI and machine learning has affected CPaaS for a few years, but 2021 will see extra levels of technological innovation. Expect:

  • Chatbots that communicate with customers via APIs will become smarter. They will facilitate queries, upsell products, and solve administrative tasks better than ever before. 
  • Organizations will have access to more accurate CPaaS metrics that drive decision-making. This real-time intelligence provides users with insights into how customers engage with their organization across various platforms and technologies.

Most of CEQUENS' technologies already come with powerful data and analytics capabilities, and the company will continue to improve these in 2021. These analytics help organizations:

  • Resolve customer-related problems quickly and manage their reputation.
  • Recognize the root cause of issues.
  • Identify purchasing/engagement habits for better marketing and sales opportunities.
  • Access real-time industry information that could affect customers.

5. The rise of telehealth

Pre-pandemic, people associated telehealth with rural communities that couldn't travel to their nearest medical center. Because of social distancing and the spread of COVID-19, telehealth entered the collective lexicon this year, with healthcare providers across the MEA region implementing remote patient care. (The UAE established the world's first virtual hospital back in March.) 

Telehealth requires flexible, reliable CPaaS technology, bridging the virtual gap between patients and practitioners. In 2021, expect CPaaS telehealth solutions to explode, with more APIs for appointment scheduling, follow-up, and bill collection. Even when the pandemic ends, many facilities will keep using these technologies. 

How can CEQUENS help

As the leading CPaaS provider, CEQUENS improves communication outcomes for organizations worldwide. With a cloud-first and mobile-first approach, the company develops innovative APIs that let organizations communicate with customers around the clock. 

Omnichannel CPaaS solutions are what defines many industries nowadays, specially when it comes to customer service. Combining physical stores with mobile apps and online services provides a seamless experiences for customers everywhere. Our multichannel conversational platform CEQUENS Chat makes use of that integration and helps you understand what it takes to be an effective communicator.