META Pricing for WhatsApp Business API Explained in 2024

Written by Yara Abuelkheir | Jul 31, 2024 2:02:29 PM

With over 2.78 billion users around the world, WhatsApp is an indispensable platform that customer-centric businesses need to use for communicating with their customers. Whether your customers are social media freaks, Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Baby Boomers, social butterflies or introverts, everyone uses WhatsApp, and that is for a reason. WhatsApp messaging provides them with the convenience they need, be it the rich media sharing options, the live location sharing, or the friends gather up polls that are never actualized but everyone votes anyway.

On the professional side of the WhatsApp community, businesses prefer it as a communication channel because of how easy they can reach and connect with customers while ensuring all the interactions are secured with the end-to-end encryption capability. However, as a business using WhatsApp, you need to get your account verified for a couple of reasons:

  • Customers TRUST the Green tick: It’s a clear sign to customers that they are interacting with the real business and that your business has been verified by META. The green badge eliminates the risk of scams or impersonation which indeed provides a sense of safety while a customer is conducting a conversation with your business.
  • Professional Image: Verification provides a professional image to your business which gives it more credibility and respect. Don’t assume it’s superficial to apply for the green tick because your business’ authenticity will boost more conversations.
  • Unlocking WhatsApp Business Features: By getting the green tick/badge your business will be eligible to use features like broadcasting messages, advanced automation features, rich media sharing, and integrations. These features enable your business to send reminders and updates, integrate chatbots to handle requests, share catalogues, presentations and documents, and connect business tools such as CRMs.

  • Boosting Marketing and Driving Sales: Once your business completes its verification process and starts utilizing the unlocked features on WhatsApp Business API, you will witness an incredible boost in marketing and sales performance. A recent report by Spectrm revealed that businesses selling exclusively via WhatsApp achieved a 68% rate of repeat customers. It is also worth mentioning that the global revenue generated by WhatsApp Business in 2023 was over $382 Million, highlighting its great impact on businesses worldwide.

How To Get Verified As a Business

  • Log into your account on Meta Business Manager then select Account > WhatsApp Accounts > WhatsApp Manager
  • Then go to the profile section > select Phone numbers > Settings.
  • Select the phone number you want your account to get verified with.
  • Finally, click on the Submit request button and proceed to fill the required information.

Things To Consider To Get Verified Easily

  • Pick 3-5 well-performing PR articles to be attached in some of the 5 links that you’re allowed to submit.
  • Make sure to use your company email in the verification process and not webmail such as and not the usual webmail like Gmail, Outlook or Hotmail.
  • In case you are adding a link to social media post, avoid picking paid posts because it will be disregarded and choose a good performing organic post to be attached instead.

Note that the review process takes 3-7 business days. If your request was denied, the green tick won’t appear after this period, and if it was approved you will see it next to your account name.

Now To the Money Talk: Fees and All

Good news is the new WhatsApp Business pricing utility fees have massively dropped to $0.0052 instead of $0.0687 in Egypt and to $0.0054 instead of $0.0253 in Pakistan. It’s also worth noting that most of the middle east countries have witnessed a significant decrease in the utility messages fees. This great change in fees creates a matchless opportunity for businesses to invest in such an evolving, rewarding platform that proved its efficiency in communication with an outstanding 98% open rate.



Marketing conversation

Effective Oct 2024

Utility conversation

Effective Aug 2024

Authentication conversation


Service conversation



No change

$0.0052 (-92.43%)

No change

No change


$0.0384 (+12.94%)

$0.0157 (-20.71%)

No change

No change


$0.0455 (+12.07%)

$0.0115 (-54.37%)

No change

No change


No change

$0.0054 (-78.66%)

No change

No change


CEQUENS WhatsApp Business API: Seamless Integration, Instant Interactions

WhatsApp Business API provides four categories of conversations that you can select from to interact with your customers based on your business’s unique needs. The first category is marketing, this is simply any business-initiated conversation that includes offers, promotions, cart abandonment reminders, and informational updates. The second category is utility which basically includes interactions related to transaction confirmations, transaction updates, post-purchase notifications or after-sales support. Authentication is the third category of conversations, this type of conversation is where businesses provide users with one-time codes to register, recover or log into accounts securely. Lastly, service conversations are any user-initiated conversation which usually includes user inquiry, complaints, or feedback.

At planet CEQUENS, our priority is empowering you with a seamless integration process that enables you to kickstart transforming sales and marketing for your company. One of the businesses that CEQUENS is proud to have helped grow is BKIC (Bahrain Kuwait Insurance Company). Through seamlessly integrating our WhatsApp Business API, the company was able to conduct 5000 conversations/month and witnessed 19% increase in revenue, keeping the company in the lead.

Integrating AI for a Matchless CX

With CEQUENS, you can also integrate generative AI solutions within your WhatsApp Business API to streamline the processes through adopting tools such as CEQUENS’s GenAI Chatbot which will enable your businesses to:

  • Create Meaningful Interactions: Imagine an AI Assistant or a chatbot that doesn’t just answer FAQs, but can have natural, engaging conversations with customers. Generative AI allows for personalized responses tailored to individual needs and preferences. For instance, when a customer is inquiring about a product, the AI Agent will respond showing the product’s benefits while also providing suggestions based on the customer’s past purchases or browsing history.
  • Understand Customer Sentiment: Generative AI can analyze customer conversations to understand their sentiment. This allows businesses to identify dissatisfied customers and address their concerns promptly.
  • Accelerate issue-resolution rates: Generative AI chatbots can understand the nuances of human language and context. This allows them to analyze customer inquiries and offer real-time troubleshooting solutions, significantly reducing resolution times and boosting customer satisfaction.
  • Offer proactive data-based support: AI assistants can now anticipate customer needs before they even arise. AI can analyze past interactions and identify potential issues. The AI assistant or chatbot can then proactively reach out to customers with helpful information or solutions, creating a sense of attentiveness and exceeding customer expectations.
  • Maintain human-bot collaboration: Generative AI, while powerful, is still under development. Verified WhatsApp Business API allows for a human-in-the-loop approach, where critical customer issues can be escalated to human agents for a more personalized conversation.

In conclusion, verification unlocks features that go beyond just sending messages. Imagine using WhatsApp to conduct customer surveys or gather feedback in real-time. This two-way communication fosters a sense of connection with your customers, allowing you to understand their needs and personalize your approach. With verified WhatsApp Business API, you can build stronger relationships and turn one-time interactions into loyal brand advocates.

This is your chance to join the digital communication world and explore how your business can benefit from CEQUENS WhatsApp Business API, Talk to our experts now!